Government Documents

Designated as a federal depository library, Roberts-LaForge Library provides a gateway to government information for Delta State University as well as the Cleveland community. The library has U.S. government publications that have been distributed through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) of the U.S. Government Publishing Office. The library also has some Mississippi government documents that were produced by departments, commissions, and other groups of the Mississippi government. The collection, consisting of material from all functions of the government, reflects the interests and research needs of the academic and local communities.
Roberts – LaForge Library ensures free public access to all government publications located in its collection and maintains a high level of reference and technical services for its government publications. The print and CD collection is located on the first floor, adjacent to the reference collection. The Serials Department, located on the second floor, houses the microfiche collection. With the exception of certain reference materials, paper documents have a 7-day check out period.
Roberts-LaForge Library also provides online U.S. and Mississippi government documents in the library catalog. There are over 50,000 government documents available in full text in the library catalog.
For more information on the GPO, please visit the following site:
For more information on the FDLP, visit the “About the FDLP” pages at
For questions concerning government documents in the Roberts-LaForge Library, please call (662) 846-4457 or email Michael Mounce.